Table of Contents
The disease that affects graahani (small intestine) is called grahani. In this disease the functioning of intestines are disturbed.
Types: Vataja, pittaja, kaphaja and sannipatika.
If diarrhea associated with severe vomiting with dehydration may leads to death within 15 days.
Note: Seek doctor’s advice for better results.
Types: Short duration watery diarrhea, short duration bloody diarrhea and persistent diarrhea lasting more than 2 weeks. Irritable bowl syndrome and amoebiasis are the commonly seen types in general. If blood is present it is also known as dysentery.
A number of non infectious causes can result in diarrhea which includes lactose intolerance, irritable bowl syndrome, ulcerative colitis, hyper thyroidism, bile acid diarrhea, gluten sensitivity.
Treatment: Treatment includes oral rehydration therapy and medical management which includes zinc supplementation.
Prevention includes sanitation and intake of purified water.
Sprue Is termed as failure of normal absorption of nutrients. In sprue there is alimentary disfunction characterized by deficiency in gastric secretions and in ability to absorb adequately fat, glucose, calcium and certain other food constituents and characterized by morning diarrhea, bulky gaseous stool, sour tongue, enemia and wasting.
Types: Vataja, pittaja, kaphaja and sannipatika.
Nidana and samprapthi: #
Excessive fasting, eating in presence of indigestion, over eating, irregular eating, eating cold – heavy - rough – contaminated food are the causes for disturbance in digestive power which in turn disturbs the functioning of intestines causes frequent passing of stools from the body.Symptoms: #
Weakness, dullness, continuous or frequent passing of stools with foul smell, twisting or aching pain in abdomen watering of mouth, excess thirst, abnormal taste in mouth, tiredness, giddiness, distension and gargling sound in abdomen, ringing sense in ears, swelling over hands and feet.Complications: #
May include emaciation, enlargement of spleen and liver, itching, constipation, ascites, fever and anemia.If diarrhea associated with severe vomiting with dehydration may leads to death within 15 days.
Line of treatment: #
pachana – samana – oushada sevana.Patya – apatya: #
Buttermilk is the best food in medicine. Intake of semi solid or liquid diet is advised. It controls all the tridosha as well as it increases digestive power. Intake of fully cooked old variety of rice, green gram, fruits are advised. Strictly avoid heavy, hard, spicy, fried foods.Medicine: #
Dasamoola ghritam, trayushanadi, takrarista, kutajaghana vati.Note: Seek doctor’s advice for better results.
Modern view : #
DiarrheaDiarrhea is the condition of having atleast three loose, liquid or watery bowl movements each day. It often last of few days to years.The most common cause is an infection of the intestine due to either virus, bacteria or parasite which results in a condition also know as gastroenteritis. These infections are often acquired from food or water that has been contaminated by feces or directly from other person who is affected.Types: Short duration watery diarrhea, short duration bloody diarrhea and persistent diarrhea lasting more than 2 weeks. Irritable bowl syndrome and amoebiasis are the commonly seen types in general. If blood is present it is also known as dysentery.
A number of non infectious causes can result in diarrhea which includes lactose intolerance, irritable bowl syndrome, ulcerative colitis, hyper thyroidism, bile acid diarrhea, gluten sensitivity.
Treatment: Treatment includes oral rehydration therapy and medical management which includes zinc supplementation.
Prevention includes sanitation and intake of purified water.
Sprue Is termed as failure of normal absorption of nutrients. In sprue there is alimentary disfunction characterized by deficiency in gastric secretions and in ability to absorb adequately fat, glucose, calcium and certain other food constituents and characterized by morning diarrhea, bulky gaseous stool, sour tongue, enemia and wasting.