diseases Knowledge Base

Pratisyaya (Running nose)

That which causes continuous sneezing is termed as pratisyaya.
Nidana & samprapthi #
(causes & pathogensisis):
External factors includes inhalation of smoke and dust, exposure to heavy wind, drinking of water is from different and unusual sources, with holding or suppression of  natural urges, lack of sleep, excessive physical & sexual activity, exposure to cold , use of big pillows, or sleeping without pillow, excess weaping, excess anger,indigestion, exposure to severe heat, sleeping during day time causes vitiation of doshas enters into head & nose results in the disease.
Poorva roopa & roopa #
feeling of heaviness in the head, frequent sneezing, bodyache, horripilations, mild shevering, followed by headache, loss of sense of smell, fever, cough with expectoration, cough, change in voice, tiredness, organ debility.
Vataja, pittaja,kaphaja and sannipataja.
Dusta pratisyaya: #
pratisyaya if untreated for long period turns to dusta pratisyaya. Characterized by foul smell in breathe, loss of sense of smell, choking in nose, continuous running nose with watery discharge, uneaseness, itching in nose & eyes.
Complications:Deafness, blindness, disease of eyes, loss of smell, cough, reduced digestive power, edema. May also includes the following:
  • Kshavathu-affection of vital point in nose by vata
  • Nasa parisosha- dryness of nose
  • Nasa parisrava- thick, purulent nasal discharge
  • Pooti nasya- nasal superation with foul smell and edema
  • Apeenas- drynose with loss of smell
  • Ghrana pak- inflamed nose with redness,burning, and edema
  • Ghran sotha- nasal edema
  • Nasarbuda- nasal polyps
  • Pooyarakta- plurulent nasal discharge with blood
  • Arunakshi- discolouration of eyes
  • Peenasa- non stop discharge from nose which is chronic stage.
Line of treatment: #
  • Snehana-swedana-vamana-dhupana sevana-gandusha
  • Siro virechana nasya karma works best in this condition.
  • Sodhana followed  by samana aushada sevana is advised.
Patya-apatya (Do’s & don’ts)
The use of garlic,raddish,honey and curd together is suggestedDrinking luke warn water is advised. Avoid direct exposure to wind and cold is advised.Avoid bathing, grief, anger,excess intake of liquid diet, sleeping on rough surfaces or on bare floor is to be avoided.
Medication: #
vyoshadi guggulu, agastaharitaki lehyam, dasamoolahatitaki lehyam, yastimadhu churnam, amalaki churnam, chandanadi vati,
Modern view: #
RHINITISIt is an acute catterahal inflammation of nasal mucosa causing redness,edema and secretions.Symptoms includes continuous running nose, with sneezing, itching sense in nose and eyes, uneaseness, lack of intrest to do things, drowsyness.
Types includes infective and non-infective.
In infective is of acute and chronic types
  • Acute type includes  specific(diptheria) and non specific(common cold).
  • Chronic type includes specific(syphilis,leprosy,tuberculosis,fungal,rhinispridosis) and non specific(chronic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis,atrophic rhinitis, rhinitis sicca)
In non infective type includes allergic(seasonal,perinnial) and vasomotor (esnophilia
  • In common cold , the infection is due to virus-rhini virus, influenza virus.there is sneezing,shivering with profuse nasal discharge.
  • In chronic atropic rhinitis, there is anosmia,blocking of nose, epitaxis,dryness, crusting in nose.nasal obstruction with thick,viscid nasal discharge is seen.

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