Table of Contents
the ingested food should be absorbed completely after its digestion. When this does not happen, it remains in the digestive system and produces various symptoms called ajeerna.
Specific symptoms includes
Amajeerna- vitiation of kapha dosha causes sweetening of the food and produces heaviness in abdomen, watering of mouth, nausea, edema of face, itching all over the body, belchings with smell of food taken, skin and waste products become oily in nature.
Vidhagda jeerna- the vitiated pitta dosha causes fermentation of food and produces sourness. It produces belching of sour taste, burning sensation, perspiration, vomiting, fever, giddiness, excess thirst, unconsciousness.
Vistabha jeerna- the vitiation of vata dosha produces pain, distension of abdomen, body ache, headache, absolute constipation, rigidity, fainting.
Rasasheshajeerna- because of deficient in dathwagni it is not properly converted into former dathu- which produces symptoms like watering of mouth, heaviness in heart, loss of appetite, heaviness of body, lethargy, heaviness of head, joint pains.
Dinapaki ajeerna- in this type of distension of abdomen is there which can be relieved by fasting for 24 hrs.
Complications:Unconsciousness, irrelevant speech, vomiting, coma and may leads to death.
Fasting is preferred as prior treatment in indigestion.
Do’s & Don’ts:Intake of luke warm water on empty stomach, before going to sleep at night, in between food intake improves digestion.
Intake of 2 meals a day is very ideal for good digestion.
One should take solid food or meal once in every 4-5 hrs a day where as liquid diet can be allowed in between is good for health.
Intake soups and fresh seasonal fruits improves appetite which in turn gives good digestion.
Intake of all the 6 taste (madhura –amla-lavana-katu-tikta-kashaya) is termed as complete food or complete nutrition, not mearly having tummy full or any one type regularly.
Making or processing of food plays a very key role in digestion aspect followed by pleasantness while intake includes time, place, person who serves.
Things that should not do includes loud talking, excessive laughing, drinking too much of water in between meals, taking food in dirty places, over nutritious food, single pattern of foods like daily intake of idly, upma , oats, nuts etc,.,
Nidana #
Causes Continuous and over eating, excessive drinking of water or drinking of water in between food intake, suppression of natural urges, absence of sleep during nights, sleep during day time, intake of heavy, oily, contaminated , fermented foods, mental tensions, worry, grief, fear, jealous, anger, weakness due to other disease.Lakshnas #
symptoms: Loss of appetite, loss of taste, distension of abdomen, constipation or loose motions, lethargy, headache, giddiness, bodyache, excess thirst, yawning, nausea, fever, backache, fainting, edema of face.Specific symptoms includes
Amajeerna- vitiation of kapha dosha causes sweetening of the food and produces heaviness in abdomen, watering of mouth, nausea, edema of face, itching all over the body, belchings with smell of food taken, skin and waste products become oily in nature.
Vidhagda jeerna- the vitiated pitta dosha causes fermentation of food and produces sourness. It produces belching of sour taste, burning sensation, perspiration, vomiting, fever, giddiness, excess thirst, unconsciousness.
Vistabha jeerna- the vitiation of vata dosha produces pain, distension of abdomen, body ache, headache, absolute constipation, rigidity, fainting.
Rasasheshajeerna- because of deficient in dathwagni it is not properly converted into former dathu- which produces symptoms like watering of mouth, heaviness in heart, loss of appetite, heaviness of body, lethargy, heaviness of head, joint pains.
Dinapaki ajeerna- in this type of distension of abdomen is there which can be relieved by fasting for 24 hrs.
Complications:Unconsciousness, irrelevant speech, vomiting, coma and may leads to death.
Line of treatment: #
Langhana-pachana-swedanaFasting is preferred as prior treatment in indigestion.
Do’s & Don’ts:Intake of luke warm water on empty stomach, before going to sleep at night, in between food intake improves digestion.
Intake of 2 meals a day is very ideal for good digestion.
One should take solid food or meal once in every 4-5 hrs a day where as liquid diet can be allowed in between is good for health.
Intake soups and fresh seasonal fruits improves appetite which in turn gives good digestion.
Intake of all the 6 taste (madhura –amla-lavana-katu-tikta-kashaya) is termed as complete food or complete nutrition, not mearly having tummy full or any one type regularly.
Making or processing of food plays a very key role in digestion aspect followed by pleasantness while intake includes time, place, person who serves.
Things that should not do includes loud talking, excessive laughing, drinking too much of water in between meals, taking food in dirty places, over nutritious food, single pattern of foods like daily intake of idly, upma , oats, nuts etc,.,